Super Fresh Iced Tea – Den's Tea website


Super Fresh Iced Tea

Super Fresh Iced Tea

When I opened Den’s Tea in California back in 2000, most of the iced tea beverages in cafes and bistros were brown in color. Over the years I’ve been seeing almost as much green ice tea as brown tea and, of course, I think that’s great. So, as we get later in May and you find yourself with some “left-over” Hashiri Shincha, think iced.

Iced tea made with Hashiri Shincha brings you a very fresh flavor with all the good things about the Shincha, the first flush tea. To draw out the maximum flavor brew it with 200°F hot water for 45 seconds. Pour it directly to a glass filled with ice to lock in the aroma. Enjoy a luxurious and once a year iced tea!