Latest News – Den's Tea website


Latest News

  • 10% Off Select Matcha

    Our Organic Ceremonial Matcha and Ceremonial Matcha Uji are both 10% off through 03/28. These two matcha seem to have become popular with our cu...
  • While We Wait for the Matcha Mini Shakers...

    Our Den-chan Chasen and Frother are 25% off through 03/21. We know that people are waiting for the Matcha Mini Shakers to return. While they are e...
  • New Piece of Tea Ware

    We happily welcome a new piece of tea ware to our collection. Our new stainless steel tea infusers allow you to conveniently brew your loose leaf ...
  • Welcome Back, Sakura Ryokucha!

    Spring is coming soon and it will bring all the blessings of nature. We are celebrating its arrival by offering our seasonal and very popular tea,...
  • Will You Heed The Call?

    Our new Small Den-chan Plushies calls to you. Now you can embrace at least a fraction of Den-chan's total power. For awhile now, we have carried a...
  • Bristol Farms Demos Continue!

    Our tea bags and matcha can now be found at Bristol Farms locations. For the next few days, we will be setting up a booth at the Manhattan Beach B...
  • Time Is Running Out

    Our Zodiac Teas are still here for any last minute purchases. The Zodiac items are limited edition and will not be back until next year. They will...
  • New Rice And Rice Cooker On Sale

    Here is a project we've been working on for a little while. Our exclusive Den's Tea Rice is here. We've been communicating with a company known as...
  • Restock of Teaware

    We recently received a shipment of teawares from Japan. Since receiving it, we have updated our website to reflect the new teawares that have come...
  • Meet the Zodiac Family

    With the inclusion of our Zodiac Gyokuro, our line of Zodiac Teas is complete. We also recently unveiled our Gold Kyusu, handcrafted by a famous t...
  • New Piece of Teaware Added

    We have added a new piece of teaware to our collection: the Timer Scale. This electric scale allows you to measure out your tea and time your brew...
  • Caffeine, Tea, and You

    In our most recent blog post, we go into detail about the caffeine content in tea. We also updated our IFAQ to have a "caffeine" section where we ...