Gold Tea Oil for Healthy Summer Dining – Den's Tea website


Gold Tea Oil for Healthy Summer Dining

Den’s Tea hopes you have a healthy summer, and part of a healthy summer is consuming healthy foods. Consequently we are passing on some simple but healthy menus using our Gold Tea Oil.

Gold Tea Oil Soba:
1. Boil Cha-soba (green tea buckwheat noodle) or buckwheat noodles to the desired firmness and soak in cold water.
2. Strain the noodles well and dish up on a plate.
3. Pour on Gold Tea Oil (2 tablespoons per noodle bundle).
4. Prepare your favorite Soba Tsuyu (dipping soup) and you are ready to eat!

Cold Tofu with Gold Tea Oil
1. Cut Tofu to desired size.
2. Add your favorite toppings like chopped green onions, bonito flakes, or grated ginger.
3. Pour on Gold Tea Oil.
4. Sprinkle it with your favorite flavored salt or soy sauce, and enjoy!

To support your healthy summer, we are offering 15% off the regular price of Gold Tea Oil. This special offer ends on July 27 or until supply lasts.